A Comprehensive Guide to Object-Oriented Programming in PHP: Understanding Classes, Objects, Properties, Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism

Umesh S
4 min readFeb 11, 2023


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that allows for more organized and efficient code development. It is based on the concept of “objects” which encapsulate data and behavior, and can be used to model real-world entities. PHP is a popular programming language that supports OOP and is commonly used for web development. In this post, I’ll explore the basics of OOP in PHP and how it can help improve your code.


A class is like a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines the properties (data) and methods (functions) that the objects will have. For example, we can create a class called “Person” that has properties like “name” and “age”, and methods like “speak()” and “walk()”. To create a class in PHP, we use the “class” keyword followed by the name of the class, like this:

class Person {
// properties and methods go here


An object is an instance of a class. We create an object from a class by using the “new” operator, followed by the name of the class. For example, to create an object of the “Person” class, we would write:

$person = new Person();


Properties are the data that the objects of a class will contain. In PHP, we define properties by using the “var” keyword, followed by the name of the property. For example, to define the “name” and “age” properties in the “Person” class, we would write:

class Person {
var $name;
var $age;

// methods go here


Methods are the functions that the objects of a class will have. In PHP, we define methods by using the “function” keyword, followed by the name of the method. For example, to define the “speak()” and “walk()” methods in the “Person” class, we would write:

class Person {
var $name;
var $age;

function speak() {
// code to make the person speak goes here

function walk() {
// code to make the person walk goes here


Encapsulation is the concept of hiding the internal data and behavior of an object from the outside world. In OOP, we achieve encapsulation by using access modifiers to control the visibility of properties and methods. In PHP, we use the keywords “private”, “protected”, and “public” to specify the access level of properties and methods. For example, to make the “name” and “age” properties private, we would write:

class Person {
private $name;
private $age;

function speak() {
// code to make the person speak goes here

function walk() {
// code to make the person walk goes here

Accessing Properties and Methods:

To access the properties and methods of an object, we use the arrow operator (->). For example, to access the “name” property of the “Person” object, we would write:

$person = new Person();
$person->name = "John Doe";

And to call the “speak()” method, we would write:

$person = new Person();


Inheritance is the concept of creating new classes based on existing classes. The new class is called a subclass, and it inherits all of the properties and methods of the parent class (also known as the superclass). The subclass can then add or override properties and methods as needed. In PHP, we use the “extends” keyword to specify that a class is a subclass of another class. For example, to create a subclass of the “Person” class called “Student”, we would write:

class Student extends Person {
var $studentId;

function study() {
// code to make the student study goes here

In this example, the “Student” class inherits the properties “name” and “age”, as well as the methods “speak()” and “walk()” from the “Person” class. It also has its own property “studentId” and method “study()”.


Polymorphism is the concept of having multiple classes with the same method name, but each implementation of the method is different. This allows objects of different classes to be used interchangeably in the same code, as long as they have the same method name. For example, consider the following two classes:

class Dog {
function bark() {
echo "Woof!";

class Cat {
function bark() {
echo "Meow!";

Both the “Dog” and “Cat” classes have a “bark()” method, but the implementation is different for each class. We can create objects of both classes and call the “bark()” method without knowing which class the object is, like this:

$dog = new Dog();
$cat = new Cat();

$dog->bark(); // Outputs: Woof!
$cat->bark(); // Outputs: Meow!

This allows us to write code that is more flexible and reusable, since it can work with objects of different classes as long as they have the same methods.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a powerful programming paradigm that allows us to create complex and scalable applications. By understanding the concepts of classes, objects, properties, methods, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, you can start writing better, more organized, and more maintainable code in PHP.



Umesh S

Experienced Software Engineer committed to helping others grow and succeed.